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Valentin Grigorovici My job is done when "0 accidents" on the roads become the new reality. Valentin Grigorovici Continental AG
Dragoș Luca My job is done when our cars become our safety partners on the road. Dragoș Luca Continental AG
George Chiriac My job is done when all our components are 100% safe. George Chiriac Continental AG
Continental Automotive România Continental continuă dezvoltarea în Timișoara a proiectelor care pun viitorul în mișcare. Electrificarea, conectivitatea și conducerea autonomă sunt megatrenduri la care...
My job is done when human operators do not need to make physical efforts anymore.
My job is done when we only deliver products that make drivers life easier and safer.
"My job is done when I trust my car to drive my kids safer than I would."
"My job is done when human operators do not need to make physical efforts anymore."