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Ratings und Rankings

Ratings and rankings

By participating in sustainability initiatives and being evaluated by rating agencies, Continental demonstrates that sustainability goals and topics are anchored in its corporate strategy.

Continental is involved in various organizations, memberships and initiatives and it’s regularly evaluated for its sustainability performance. Sustainability and ESG rating agencies assess multiple indicators on environmental, social and governance topics (ESG) and measure a company’s respective risk exposure as well as the performance on how these ESG risks are being managed.

> ESG at Continental

Our sustainability performance has been disclosed in or received recognition by multiple corporate ratings and indices. Here’s a summary of how we performed over the past fiscal year. Click on the images to learn more about each scoring methodologies and processes:


Continental is listed in the following indices:


Continental is listed in various ECPI sustainability indices. The ECPI Index family represents one of the widest ESG offerings on the market, covering the main asset classes, geographies and investment themes and focused on the areas of the environment, society and corporate governance.


Continental is a constituent of the FTSE4good Index series. The FTSE4Good Index Series is a series of benchmark and tradable indexes for ESG investors. The series is derived from the FTSE Global Equity Index Series and is a tool for investors seeking to invest in companies that demonstrate good sustainability practices.


Continental is listed in the DAX® 50 ESG. The DAX® 50 ESG tracks the performance of the 50 largest, most liquid German market stocks that have passed standardized ESG screens related to Global Standards Screening, as well as the involvement in controversial weapons, tobacco production, thermal coal, nuclear power and military contracting, and feature comparably good performance based on their Environmental, Social and Governance criteria.

ESG Ratings

Continental also performed as follows in the ratings indicated below:


Result: A
Scoring: AAA to CCC (AAA = top mark)
Latest update: July 2024

MSCI is a provider of sustainability analysis and ratings. MSCI ESG Ratings uses a rules-based methodology designed to measure a company’s resilience to long-term, industry material ESG risks. This rating research and rate companies on a ‘AAA‘ to ‘CCC’ scale according to their exposure to industry-material ESG risks and their ability to manage those risks relative to peers.

FSTE Russell ESG

Overall ESG Score: 3.4
Environmental: 3.6
Social: 3.3
Governance: 3.4
Scoring: 0 to 5 (5= best practice / 0=no disclosure)
Latest update: May 2024

FTSE Russell’s ESG Scores and data model allows investors to understand a company’s exposure to, and management of, ESG issues in multiple dimensions. The ESG Scores are comprised of an overall Score that breaks down into underlying Pillars and Theme Exposures and Scores. The Pillars and Themes are built on over 300 individual indicator assessments that are applied to each company’s unique circumstances.


Result: Low risk (17.6)
Auto components industry group: rank 103 out of 253
Global Universe: 3290 out of 16216
Scoring: 0 to 40+ (no risk to severe risk)
Latest update: July 2024

Morningstar Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings provides a multi-dimensional assessment of a company's exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and its management of those risks. This methodology categorizes risks into five severity levels, offering an absolute measure of risk.


Result: Prime (C+)
Scoring: A⁺ to D⁻
Latest update: May 2024

ISS ESG is the sustainability agency of the voting advisor ISS Institutional Shareholder Services. The ESG Corporate Rating is designed to enable institutional investors to support their investment strategies by assessing the ESG performance of corporate issuers.

Prime status is granted to companies with an ESG performance in line with or above a defined industry-specific letter grade.

Other Ratings

Continental also performed as follows:

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

Climate change mitigation: A / Leadership Status
Water management: B
Supply chain: A / Leadership Status
Scoring: A to D- (A= Leadership score / D- or D= Disclosure) 
Latest update: February 2024

CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Each year, CDP takes the information supplied in its annual reporting process and scores companies and cities based on their journey through disclosure and towards environmental leadership. Through an independent scoring methodology, it measures corporate and city progress on climate change, forests and water security.

Continental has been participating in the CDP’s annual reporting and disclosure of climate-related data for 12 years.

Answers from Continental AG to the CDP questionaire "Climate Change" 2023 - pdf (25MB)

Answers from Continental AG to the CDP questionaire "Climate Change" 2022 - pdf  (1,91MB)

Answers from Continental AG to the CDP questionaire "Water" 2023 - pdf (436KB)

Answers from Continental AG to the CDP questionaire "Water" 2022 - pdf  (446KB)


Result: Gold medal - 74/100 (96th percentile)
0 to 100 (0-24= Insufficient score / 85-100: Outstanding score)
Gold = Top 5%
Latest update: February 2024

The EcoVadis rating methodology aims to measure the quality of a company’s sustainability management system through 3 management pillars: Policies, Actions, and Results. EcoVadis Medals and Badges recognize eligible companies that have completed the EcoVadis assessment process and demonstrated a relatively strong management system that addresses sustainability criteria.

Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI)

Disclosure score: 52%
Latest update: December 2024

This year, Continental AG was named by WDI as one of the most improved companies.

Powered by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the WDI survey is a comprehensive and comparable reporting system that feeds into environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting regulations. The Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI) is one of the world’s leading programmes aimed at improving corporate transparency and accountability on workforce issues, providing companies and investors with comprehensive and comparable data and helping increase the provision of good jobs worldwide.