Current Study “Agriculture in Transition”
Farmers around the world do not feel adequately prepared for the upcoming transition to more efficient and sustainable ways of farming. This is one of the key findings of Continental’s “Agriculture in Transition” study. On behalf of Continental, the market research institute Innofact AG surveyed over 500 farmers in Brazil, Germany, France, Japan and the USA about the challenges they are currently facing and their expectations for the future development of their industry. Find out more

Farms Are Becoming Smart: with Bits and Bytes as Today’s Seeds
According to estimates by the United Nations, there will be around 8.5 billion people living on the Earth by the year 2030 – around half a billion more than in 2023. But food is already scarce in many places today. And there are further challenges to consider in addition to this.
In many industrialized countries such, stricter sustainability regulations have meant that the area of land used for agriculture has been shrinking for years, and fewer pesticides and fertilizers can be used. Lower margins for agricultural products, the shortage of skilled workers and the resulting surge in cost pressure present further challenges. In addition, climate change is causing more severe extreme weather events such as droughts and heavy rainfall, which make cultivation more difficult. Many soils are compacted, over-fertilized and leached. The answer to the agricultural challenges lies in one word: digitalization. Continental is one of the driving forces behind the progress taking place on farms.
Click here for the story "Smart Farming"
Continental Has Been Advancing Innovation in Agriculture for 150 Years
“Continental has and will continue to play a pioneering role in the modernization of agriculture, also as an experienced and reliable partner in the transformation toward Farm 2030. It all began with motorization and today extends to digitalization and automation, which is associated with a substantial increase in productivity and crop yields. Today, mechanization and motorization are being followed by digitalization in agriculture. Everyone is talking about smart farming – and it’s no coincidence that we call intelligent agriculture the nutrient for the field of the future.”
Since its foundation in 1871, Continental has helped shape the development of agriculture with numerous innovations in rubber, plastic, sensor technology and electronics – from hoof buffers for horses through to autonomous field robots. Continental has been contributing to innovative agricultural technology for 150 years, making processes more productive, sustainable, hygienic and safer.