Survey Artificial Intelligence

Nearly two-thirds of Germans (61 percent) fear the use of artificial intelligence could lead to job losses. This is the finding of a representative survey of some 2,000 German citizens conducted by opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of Continental on February 28 and March 1, 2023. Please find here all graphics at a glance:


Press Release

Germans Fear Job Losses due to Artificial Intelligence

Nearly two-thirds of Germans (61 percent) fear the use of artificial intelligence could lead to job losses. This is the finding of a representative survey of some 2,000 German citizens conducted by opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of Continental on February 28 and March 1, 2023. “In reality, it will have the opposite effect,” says Ariane Reinhart, Executive Board member for Human Relations and Sustainability. “Like any other major technological innovation, artificial intelligence will open up countless opportunities and create millions of new jobs.” Continental is the perfect example of this, she continues. “At the moment, we employ around 1,200 AI experts across the globe. By the end of the year, they will number 1,500.”

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