Internationally Recognized Sustainability Certification ISCC PLUS for Continental Tire Plant in Korbach
- Documentation of origin and use of more sustainable materials certified
- Klaus Framenau, Head of the Material Handling Tire business at Continental: "We want to make our sustainability activities transparent, because we want to gradually increase the proportion of renewable and recycled materials in our material handling tires. Certifications underline this commitment"
- By 2030, the Tires sector aims to use more than 40 percent renewable and recycled materials in its tires
Hanover, Germany, March 10, 2025. Recently, the fourth Continental production facility, the tire plant in Korbach, received the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS. The globally recognized certification attests that Continental complies with special documentation requirements for the use of more sustainable materials. In addition, the transparency of the traceability of the raw materials used in the production process is confirmed. The certification of the raw materials enables Continental to ensure seamless traceability of the materials from renewable and recycled sources. For the premium manufacturer, which produces material handling and other tires in Korbach, this is a further step on the way to 100 percent more sustainable materials in its tire products by 2050 at the latest.
The certification focused on compliance with and documentation of certain processes for the mass balance of raw materials. This approach involves mixing fossil, renewable and recycled raw materials in existing systems and processes. The quantities used are tracked along the entire value chain and can thus be allocated proportionately at any time. The mass balance approach enables Continental to successively increase the amount of more sustainable materials in its products. It also ensures that the proportion of certified renewable and recycled materials can be accurately accounted for.
"We want to make our sustainability activities transparent, because we want to gradually increase the proportion of renewable and recycled materials in our material handling tires," says Klaus Framenau, Head of the Material Handling Tire business at Continental. "Certifications like ISCC PLUS underline our commitment to making the future of intralogistics even more environmentally friendly."
Mass balance-certified materials fully traceable
The International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) was founded in 2010 by a multi-stakeholder initiative and is a leading global certification system for promoting traceable, sustainable, deforestation-free and climate-friendly supply chains. Recognized worldwide, ISCC certifications include sustainable agricultural biomass, biogenic waste and residues, non-biological renewable materials and recycled carbon-based materials. ISCC views the development and implementation of various certification standards as a tool to advance its mission of mitigating climate change and bringing greater traceability to global markets and supply chains.
Tires made entirely from sustainable materials by 2050 at the latest
Continental is also working hard to convert as many raw materials as possible to sustainable materials in production. The raw materials that are to be used in tire production in the future include agricultural waste such as rice hull ash, sustainable carbon black and recycled steel. The certifications of the Continental plants are an important step on Continental's journey to using more than 40 percent renewable and recycled materials in tires by 2030. By 2050 at the latest, all new Continental tires are to be made from 100 percent sustainable materials.
High-performance material handling tires from Korbach
In addition to passenger car, motorcycle and bicycle tires, the Continental tire plant in Korbach also produces super-elastic solid tires for challenging applications in material handling and intralogistics, such as the SC20+ or CS20+ tires. With their low rolling resistance, they help to reduce energy consumption in intralogistics already today and increase the range of forklifts, airport vehicles, heavy-duty transport vehicles, side forklifts, platform trucks and other industrial vehicles. Thanks to modern rubber compounds, Continental's material handling tires offer a combination of stability, load capacity and a long service life – properties that are of central importance in intralogistics.

Julia Reinhold
Communications Manager Commercial Specialty Tires
Specialty Tires
Continental Tires
- +49 511 938-2570

Laura Averbeck
Communications Manager Sustainability
Continental Tires