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Cruising Assistant: A Smart Fusion

  • Continental combines proven systems into a powerful assistant
  • A solution close to series production enables many facets of autonomous driving at Level 2 Plus

At the TechShow, Continental is presenting a close-to-series-production system for partially automated driving maneuvers on motorways and expressways. The technology solution combines various assistance systems from the Continental portfolio into an innovative cruising assistant: Adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning, lane change assistant, emergency braking assistant and the risk maneuver emergency brake assistant are part of the overall package. The fusion of these driving functions allows partially automated driving at Level 2 Plus. This means that the vehicle independently stays in lane, adjusts its speed to the traffic, brakes in corresponding traffic situations, automatically changes lanes and brings the car to a standstill in an emergency if the driver does not intervene despite warnings. The driver remains "in the loop" while his vehicle steers him comfortably through the motorway traffic. However, the technology is already designed so that the driver – if permitted by law – can take his hands off the steering wheel completely.


For the combination of several driver assistance systems, various technologies proven in series production are used. Five radar sensors from Continental and a front camera provide the data that is processed by a "High Performance Computer" (HPC) unit within Continental's new, centralized electronics architecture. The innovative cruising system is close to series production. This means that it is ready for use today and, depending on customer specifications and validation phase, can soon be on the road in future vehicle models.

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Sören Pinkow

Media Spokesperson Autonomous Mobility and Commercial Vehicles

Continental Automotive