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First Glance at New Automotive: Presentation and Video

We’re excited to present you a detailed first glance as a presentation for the planned spin-off of the group sector Automotive. On the way to become an independent company, the presentation provides investors and analysts valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the Automotive business and strategy.

Presentation Continental Automotive - pdf (1.33MB)

The Automotive strategy is based on the following three pillars: 

LEAD: in future proof technologies
TRANSFORM: into a High-Performance Organization
DELIVER: on our commitments

Further content of the presentation:

  • Automotive unites for leading Business Areas with comprehensive product portfolio enabling SDVs
  • Spin Off as catalyst
  • Cost competitiveness as Key Focus
  • Build on the strong balance sheet –unlock the potential upside
  • Stringent portfolio management focused on value creation
  • Long-term strategy, short-term focus

Join us: Don’t miss out the Capital Market Day dated June 24 (Automotive) and June 25 (Continental), 2025.

We make value creation and cost competitiveness happen as part of our management culture – we are determined to deliver on our strategy!
Philipp von Hirschheydt
CEO Automotive