Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2023
The Annual Shareholders' Meeting was held on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (CEST) in the form of a virtual meeting without the physical presence of shareholders or their proxy holders.
The convening of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting was announced in the Federal Gazette on March 21, 2023. The deadline for registration for the Annual Shareholders' Meeting ended on April 20, 2023.
InvestorPortal for shareholders
Properly registered shareholders (or their proxy) were able to, amongst other things, attend the audio-visual transmission of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in the InvestorPortal, exercise their voting rights, grant proxies, make use of their right to speak and to make motions, submit comments in text form and to raise objections.
For the interested public the entire Annual Shareholders' Meeting was broadcasted publicly here on the webpage on April 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (CEST).
Recording of the speech by Chairman of the Executive Board Nikolai Setzer
- Dividend announcement - pdf (64KB)
- Voting Results - pdf (69KB)
- Amended version of the speech of the CEO Nikolai Setzer of April 27, 2023: Creating Value. For a Better Tomorrow. - pdf (152KB)
- Invitation and agenda - pdf (0.92MB)
- Overview with information pursuant to Section 125 of the German Stock Corporation Act in conjunction with Table 3 of Implementing Regulation - pdf (118KB) (EU) 2018/1212 (hereinafter “EUIR”)
- Recommendation of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board on the appropriation of net income - pdf (71KB)
- Example Registration Confirmation - pdf (307KB) (German)
- Individual Attendance of the Supervisory Board Members - pdf (84KB)
- Information on Shareholders' Rights - pdf (179KB)
- Data protection regulation - pdf (181KB)
- Recommendations for optimal functioning of video communication - pdf (105KB) for exercising the right to speak (including the right to information, the right to ask questions and to submit motions and nominations)
No countermotions were submitted.
Annual Report 2022 - pdf (6.04MB) including
- Consolidated financial statements - pdf (1.33MB)
- Combined management report - pdf (1.59MB)
- Additional disclosures and notes pursuant to Sections 289a and 315a HGB - pdf (119KB)
- Report of the Supervisory Board - pdf (371KB)
- Declaration on Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance Report - pdf (309KB)
- Risk Report - pdf (338KB)
Remuneration Report 2022 - pdf (1.51MB)
Annual Report of Continental Aktiengesellschaft 2022 - pdf (9.50MB)
List of Shareholdings 2022 - pdf (284KB)
Articles of Incorporation - pdf (144KB) - Status September 13, 2022
A domination and profit and loss transfer agreement (amended on February 25, 2014) has existed between Continental AG and Automotive (or their le-gal predecessors) since March 27, 2001
- Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement - pdf (79KB) between Continental Aktiengesellschaft and Continental Automotive GmbH of March 15, 2023
- The adopted annual financial statements of Continental Aktiengesellschaft as of
- The adopted annual financial statements for Continental Automotive GmbH as of
- The Common Report - pdf (111KB) of the Executive Board of Continental Aktiengesellschaft and the management of Continental Automotive GmbH
In accordance with Recommendation C.1 of the German Corporate Governance Code, the Supervisory Board has prepared a profile of skills and expertise and specified targets for its composition.
The Supervisory Board as a whole should possess the skills and expertise described below. It is not expected that all Supervisory Board members possess all the skills and expertise specified hereinafter. Instead, each area of expertise must be covered by at least one Supervisory Board member.
The profile of skills and expertise assumes that all Supervisory Board members possess the knowledge and skills required for the proper performance of their duties and the characteristics necessary for successful Supervisory Board work. In particular, these include integrity, commitment, capacity for discussion and teamwork, sufficient availability and discretion.
The next Annual Shareholders' Meeting will probably take place on April 26, 2024.