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Since 1871 we develop pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. Find out more about our company on these pages.
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This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
Minimierter Verschleiß, geringere Wartung, optimierte Positionierzeiten: Die neue Technologie für den Hubantrieb von Regalbediengeräten arbeitet mit Zahnriemen von ContiTech.
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
Säure- und korrosionsbeständig: Mit neuen Platten aus V4A-Edelstahl erfüllen ContiTech-Balgzylinder die speziellen Anforderungen der chemischen Industrie.
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
Die neuen ECO2-Balgzylinder sind medienbeständig und können jetzt auch in Anwendungen eingesetzt werden, in denen sie Schmierölen, aggressiven Dämpfen und Laugenmischungen ausgesetzt sind.
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
Unter dem Motto „Zukunft der Mobilität im Visier: Sicher, sauber und intelligent vernetzt unterwegs“ fand am 30. April 2015 die ordentliche Hauptversammlung der Continental AG in Hannover statt. Foto: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Reitzle, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
Signing Ceremony for a Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Continental and Baidu and Signing Ceremony for a Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Continental and NIO.
This picture/video may be used by journalists and media representatives when reporting about Continental, provided the source is cited.
When using this material, please specify the following source: "Photo: Continental AG" or "Video: Continental AG".
If you would like to use our pictures or videos in another context, such as for advertising brochures, websites or other commercial purposes, please contact us prior to doing so.
Signing Ceremony for a Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Continental and Baidu and Signing Ceremony for a Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Continental and NIO.