Production Materials Tires

Are production materials that are used to produce compounds (e.g. synthetic rubber, PVC) and are part of a compound BOM.
Are materials comprised out of rubber compound and / or reinforcements that have been processed (e.g. rubberized reinforcement or extruded rubber profile). They are used later on in the process of making other semi-finished goods, ultimately being assembled to the final product.
Are materials, components, subassemblies, parts which are used for a value creating process (e.g. kitting, assembling). Within Continental we use the terms “Production Material” and “Raw Material” in the same way as synonyms and do not distinguish between them.
Are mostly textile and steel based on often uniaxial materials used to reinforcing elements in parts where high loads and forces occur and cannot be taken by the rubber compound alone.
Supplier Requirements Manual
This manual provides detailed information about our supplier requirements and expectations.
The stipulations in this manual - PDF (469KB) are mandatory and valid for all business agreements with the Continental Group Functions, including all products, for beneath specified Products:
- Chemical raw materials, often referred to as compounding materials, for the use as direct (production) material ("Chemicals Raw Materials")
- Reinforcements, made of various materials, e.g. steel, textile, etc., for the use as direct (production) material ("Reinforcements").