Requirements to Physical Exposure

To be considered during design process 

Body Posture

Continental's external suppliers/manufacturers find information on our requirements to an ergonomically correct designed machine.

  • Consideration of the body measurements data of the type of workplaces
  • The types of workplace specified by the designer
  • Consider the neutral postures
Neutral Body Postures
Body Measurements
How to calculate the height of the work bench and the height where the worker is working?

Handling of Loads

Continental's external suppliers/manufacturers will find information on our requirements to an ergonomically correct designed machine.

  • Standard values and mandatory limit values for lifting and carrying loads with a straight back and without aids
  • Consider the key indicator method (observe the limit values)
  • Type, level and frequency of application of force
  • Suitable holding points (handles) must be provided
Neutral body hand-arm-position

Body Movement

Continental's external suppliers/manufacturers find information on our requirements to an ergonomically correct designed machine.

  • Provision of sufficiently free room for movement
  • Posture and activity specific functional dimensions adapted to the person
  • Balanced change between sitting - standing - walking during the work day


Neutral body Postures hand-arm-position

Types of Work

Information on our requirements to an ergonomically correct designed machine.

In general, static stress on muscles and uncomfortable postures must be avoided!

  • Unfavorable types of work must be avoided, e.g.:
    • working above head height
    • sitting without a back rest
    • holding of loads, etc.

Body Posture and Movement Distribution

Continental's external suppliers/manufacturers find information on our requirements to an ergonomically correct designed machine.

  • Match the types of workplace to the planned system of work
  • Implement a standing-sitting dynamics through the use of a height adjustable work bench and reasonable change of working positions (seated, standing activity and walking) >>> self selected switching is supported
  • Design workplaces according to the design rules for the human machine interface


Manual Handling Operations

Continental's external suppliers/manufacturers find information on our requirements to an ergonomically correct designed machine.

  • Use of tools and work items (bar form, grips, handles, buttons, tools) that are ergonomically well designed and suitable for the task
  • Adjustment of the level of the action forces depending on duration, frequency and dexterity
  • Consider the key indicator method :  Manual Handling Operationspdf (313KB) 
Neutral body postures hand-arm-position