• Stories

Continental Integrity Hotline

Unethical and unlawful behavior harms Continental and its stakeholders. Reporting such concerns is an important contribution to Continental’s awareness and to the exposure and prevention of misconduct. Continental does not tolerate retaliation against whistleblowers. Reports are processed in accordance with the Rules of Procedurepdf (184KB). Please take note of our Data Protection Noticepdf (133KB) according to Art. 13 and 14 GDPR.

You can report (among others) the following matters:

  • Accounting and finance manipulation
  • Antitrust
  • Fair and ethical conduct (related to business partners), conflicts of interest
  • Corruption/bribery
  • Discrimination, harassment, psychological harm
  • Environmental rights
  • Export and import regulation incl. sanctions 
  • Human rights
  • Information and trade secret protection
  • The integrity of the whistleblower system, such as whistleblower retaliation, a violation of confidentiality or a violation of the duty to report
  • Labor rights
  • IT security/Cyber crime
  • Labor rights incl. individual and collective rights
  • Market manipulation incl. insider trading
  • Misuse of company property/services and theft
  • Money laundering/terrorist financing
  • Personal data compliance
  • Physical harm
  • Sabotage and vandalism
  • Terrorism, extremism, organized crime
  • Safety and health
  • Sexual harassment
  • Tax evasion and tax fraud
  • Technical compliance (Product compliance)
  • (Cyber)fraud, embezzlement, other enrichment offences

You can report anonymously

We encourage you to identify yourself when you submit a report. However, we understand that you might have concerns doing so. Therefore, you have the option of reporting your concerns anonymously.

Continental protects whistleblowers

Continental does not tolerate retaliation against whistleblowers.

We treat your report confidential

You can rely on us to treat your report and investigation information confidential in accordance with applicable laws.

We take your report serious, without exception

Continental examines every report made.

Your report is processed by a dedicated department

Consider making a report – our dedicated department will assess it diligently.

We need you

Our responsible department will attempt to keep in contact with you throughout their assessment and investigation of your report. Your efforts to maintain contact with them will increase the chance of a complete investigation of the report.

Important Notice:
Our Integrity Hotline is not to be used to report discontent with Continental‘s products. In such cases, we ask you to contact customer service under USA: +1 800 847 3349 / other countries: +49 511 976 3524.

Integrity Platform

Make a written report

Please click here to make a step-by-step report online.


Integrity Hotline

Report via telephone (international)
+49 1802 73 76 78 or +49 1802 REPORT 
EUR 0,06 per call originating from German landline network; the amount charged can vary from cellphone or other networks.

Please click here for your local telephone number.


Integrity EMail

Send an Email


Our Continental Compliance Case Management Team will receive your email and come back to you.


We encourage you to make a report.

Important Notice:

Our Integrity Hotline and Email is not to be used to report discontent with Continental‘s products. In such cases, we ask you to contact customer service under USA: +1 800 847 3349 / other countries: +49 511 976 3524.