This is how Camacari Plant best Trains its Employees
Our plant in Camacari and Rayong (Thailand) are two of the few who implemented a Vocational Education program (more known from Germany) in their locations. I can describe the Brazilian one more in detail.
The program like it is today has been designed in 2015. Still, we have had apprentices in a similar format for over ten years. We are really proud that we’ve already trained 205 apprentices from 2015 to 2017. In addition, we always had great contact with the teachers for the practical phase of the program. Those teachers come from the ‘Manufacturing and Technology Integrated Campus SENAI in Salvador, Brazil. This contact has been helpful especially in the beginning when we got familiar with the whole process of the program.
Despite the fact that the vocational education program is legal requirement, we believe that the program is of rich potential for us and our future performance. It allows us to train our employees accordingly to our needs, which additionally gives those employees a huge advantage compared to other applicants.
One may think that the hardest thing is maybe to develop the program but actually, for us, the biggest challenge was to find qualified candidates for the program. Once we had found those, nothing big stood in the way of the project.
About the program
In the past, the program focused on the fields of production and engineering. Today, the focus shifted and we concentrate on production.
The program offers the students a high level of education. This is valuable for them and us during their career start in our company, and is also great for their future professional path. Furthermore, the program prepares them for the challenges in adult life, professional environment and the corporate culture in general. Another positive impact of the program is that the students can take part without financially burdining their families. In fact, the program allows the students to support their families.
Unfortunately it is not possible to hire all apprentices after finishing the program. Still, we always fill the open positions in the plant with the best performing students.
A look into the future
In the coming years we want to update the curriculum matrix of the apprentice program. Also, we want to improve the onboarding process to further maximize the program’s performance. Even though we started adapting some parts of the program three years ago, a lot has still to be done.
This article was written by our employee.

Patrícia Guerreiro