The Impact of Diversity on Social and Economical Success
Hi there! My name is Michel Ássimos, 30y and I’m the Plant Controller for Várzea Paulista/Brasil plant.
During these almost 7 years of experience at Continental, I had the opportunity to work in three different Brazilian plants, manage spectacular teams and experience challenges and achievements that drive me to be an ever better professional.^
Our company is essentially constituted by the brilliant people who integrate it. Some are more than just coworkers, they are teachers. Not only for technical topics, necessary for performing our duties, but also psychological aspects that stimulate us to be a better human being. Our corporate values are reflected in our cultural behavior, which we experience in our everyday lives, because here learning is constant and unlimited.
And fortunately, we keep evolving.
In a recent invitation from the Communication area, I joined in the Diversity campaign together with my partner, Mateus Gigante (28y, architect). Despite the common interpretation of the word ‘diversity’ only referring to human characteristics (ethnicity, gender, etc.), the proposal is much broader. It does not only seek to establish respect for the plurality of these characteristics, but also to include the different ways of thinking and, primarily, new world perspectives shaped by the life experiences of each individual.
The theme Diversity plays a fundamental role in the present time, once we are no longer the same society. Deep changes have taken place and diverse teams prove that equality and inclusion are essential in the corporate growth process, after all, a business environment that encourages diversity is also an environment that encourages innovation.
Moving forward, let’s apply these possibilities into our company. What we’ve always done well is to look at problems from another perspective. This seems to be the most assertive strategy for overcoming the critical market moment that we are living. Finally, let’s remember the campaign’s motto: “what matters to us is people essence: their values, their talent, their dedication. We seek to provide space and opportunities to all, always with great respect.”
This article was written by our employee.