Julien Says “Yes” to the Industry!
My name is Julien Bancarel, I am an engineering student in the Mechanical Manufacturing and Aerospace Manufacturing Sector at IMT Mines Albi. As part of my studies, I am doing an apprenticeship at Continental Toulouse. Here I am in charge of developing a new training program for new employees.
When my training managers invited me to participate in the “Yes to the Industry” contest, I did not hesitate to say “Yes”! This contest is organized by the Reindustrialization Institute and the price is awarded to students and work-study participants who have taken part in various projects in companies. These projects have the goal of increasing the French industrial activity. Indeed, I have always been interested in the subject of training and ways to innovate its courses. This topic interests me a lot because it represents a real stake for the future generation. I am therefore very engaged in integrating innovation into the training of new employees in French companies.
At Continental, my duty is to improve the integration of technicians and operators working on-site by promoting their technical learning. To achieve, that we carried out two actions: first, capturing the know-how of the technical experts and second, restituting this knowledge with digital tools. We chose digital tools, such as tablet, virtual reality, or “serious games” as a means of transmitting knowledge.
In order to carry out this project, we mobilized teams from Continental as well as a start-up. The goal was therefore a collaboration and a good coordination between our internal project and the activities of the start-up.
The freedom to innovate and create new methods has been a really enriching experience for me. I had the chance to work in a service called Factory 4.0 that deals with integrating new technologies and new innovative processes. This allowed me to understand the problems of production sites to remain competitive with low-cost countries. I was also well supported during this project and I learned a lot during this training within Continental.
Thanks to Continental for allowing me to highlight innovative initiatives in the field of industrial training.
This article was written by our employee.

Julien Bancarel