Sustainability at Continental


Turn Change into opportunity. Embrace sustainability. This is how we have anchored sustainability in our Group strategy. Learn more about our ambitious sustainability roadmap and how we continuously implement it.

Ariane Reinhart, Member of the Executive Board Group Human Relations, Group Sustainability and Director of Labor Relations

Turning change into opportunity

"The future belongs to sustainable business.
On our journey, we count on reliable partners and cooperation at eye level
in our industries to allow all links in the value chain to truly join forces.
If we succeed in jointly describing an ambitious but realistic path,
then transformation becomes a real opportunity!“ 


Sustainability ambition

Sustainability is anchored in the foundation of our values.
They form the basis of our work, they guide our company
and they will take us into the future.



Our eight sustainability essentials additionally represent
the backbone of our sustainability management.


Our performance in figures

Calculated according to the specifications in the Sustainability Report 2022, where you can also find further key figures.


Own CO2 emissions:
0 million

metric tons of CO2-e

Waste recovery quota:
0 %
Accident rate:

per million working hours

Sickness rate:
0 %
Gender diversity:
0 %

female senior executives
and executives

Sustainable engagement:
0 %

employee agreement in the
annual employee survey


Operational environmental management is
a fixed component of our company policy.