Continental’s Heart Beats for Mobility Then as it Does Today
As a pioneer in its industry, Continental began producing pneumatic tires for bicycles in 1892. This new type of tire made it safe and comfortable to ride across paving stones – like the ones laid all around the Vahrenwald plant in 1899, for example.
Today, Continental is paving the way toward sustainable mobility for the future. With its CUbE test vehicle (short for Continental Urban Mobility Experience), the company is laying the foundations for future technologies with the purpose of testing driverless mobility worldwide. This app-controlled autonomous vehicle is being used to research passenger transport in Japan, China, Singapore and the USA.
The aim is to reduce urban traffic jams, accidents, air pollution and parking space shortages, thereby reducing the burden on cities despite rising population figures.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary, we will show you the essence of our mission for greater mobility: Embark on a journey through the eventful history of the company since its founding in 1871 with fascinating motifs and experience the development of Continental into an international technology company.
Behind every individual image there is a special story, which you can discover here: From enthusiastic Continental staff members at work and surprising product launches at the end of the 19th century, to the spectacular world records and technologies for a sustainable and mobile future.